Topic: Unity Committee
Day: 3rd Sunday of the month
Time: 1 PM EST/ 6 PM UK
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Meeting ID: 839 9108 0161
Passcode: 121212
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- Reach out to the diverse elements in the fellowship in the interest of carrying our message
- Enhance communication throughout the Online Services Area
- Familiarize the committee members and Online Services Area with most recent service structure, The 12 Traditions, C.A. Literature, Meetings formats, the Unity committee’s overall function and responsibilities and Roberts Rules of order
- Maintains ongoing communications with the groups within the Online Services Area (OSA)
- Sponsors service days and workshops that promote unity through love and tolerance
- Sponsors conventions and/or other online events
- Encourage groups within the area to complete a traditions inventory
- Encourage attendance of diverse or loner groups
- Encourage other area committees to include all meetings and cultures into their events
- These guidelines substantially follow the World Service Manual (WSM). Where these guidelines differ, however, the OSA bylaws take precedence.
- The OSA Unity meetings are governed by the WSC Unity Guidelines, WSM, the 12 Traditions, the 12 Concepts, and Roberts Rules of Order, superseded only by the OSA Structure, Bylaws, and Standing Rules
- OSA Unity shall hold, at minimum, quarterly meetings online at such times decided at the previous OSA Unity meeting, to address, amongst other things:
- Election of OSA Unity committee service Officers
- Secretaries’s report
- Service officer reports
- Old business / New business
- Decisions of major importance
- The OSA Unity Committee body may vote to hold, or the OSA Unity Chair may call, a special meeting with one week’s notice provided to the Fellowship through the OSA GSR’s. Having notified the OSA fellowship as a whole, the members present at the special meeting will be deemed representative of the OSA Unity conscience
a) Any OSA unity committee member, whether holding a service position or not, has the right to have their vote counted at Unity committee business meetings
a) Determined by the OSA Unity Chair, save and except that all motions come into effect at the close of the OSA unity business meeting, unless otherwise stated
b) After every non-unanimous vote the Chair will ask if the minority wishes to voice a “fifth concept” statement
a) Chair
b) Alternate Chair
c) Secretary
d) Alternate Secretary
e) Outreach Chair
g) Unity (Chair)
- Two (2) year continuous sobriety
- Six (6) months of active online service experience in C.A.
- Working knowledge of the 12 steps and 12 Traditions
- Two (2) year commitment
- Only votes in case of a tie
- Teaches the roles and responsibilities required of the Unity chair position to the Alternate Chair
- The Chair works in cooperation with the Alternate Chair to fulfill the duties listed below:
- Provides a report at each OSA meeting
- Responsible for the communication and outreach among the diverse elements within the C.A. fellowship at all levels in the interest of carrying the C.A. message
h) Unity (Alternate Chair)
- Two (2) year continuous sobriety
- Six (6) months of active online service experience in C.A.
- Working knowledge of the 12 steps and 12 Traditions
- One (1) year commitment
- Responsible for filling in for the Chair in their absence.
- The Alternate Chair works in cooperation with the Chair to fulfill the duties listed below:
- Provides a report at each OSA meeting
- Responsible for the communication and outreach among the diverse elements within the C.A. fellowship at all levels in the interest of carrying the C.A. message
i) Secretary
- Six (6) months continuous sobriety
- Three (3) months of active service in C.A
- Willingness to serve
- One (1) year commitment
- The Secretary works in cooperation with the Alternate Secretary to fulfill the following responsibilities.
- Keeps accurate minutes of each OSA Unity meeting and distributes an electronic copy of said minutes to all members in a timely manner as indicated on the current OSA unity mailing list (updated at each OSA unity meeting)
- General communications throughout OSA Unity
- Maintains contact list of all OSA Unity positions and the start/end date of their term
j) Alternate Secretary
- Six (6) months continuous sobriety
- Three (3) months of active service in C.A
- Willingness to serve
- One (1) year commitment
- Fulfills the role of the Secretary in their absence
- The Alternate Secretary works in cooperation with the Secretary to fulfill the following responsibilities.
Keeps accurate minutes of each OSA Unity meeting and distributes an electronic copy of said minutes in a timely manner to all members indicated on the current OSA unity mailing list (updated at each OSA unity meeting)
General communications throughout OSA Unity
Maintains contact list of all OSA Unity positions and the start/end date of their term
k) Outreach Chair
- Minimum six (6) months continuous sobriety
- One year commitment
- Has held a group level service position
- Responsible for:
- Shares and communicates information of the OSA Unity committee to the groups within the area
- Gives a report at the OSA Unity business meeting
k) Artwork/ Visuals Chair
- Minimum three (3) months continuous sobriety
- One year commitment
- Has held a group level service position
- Responsible for:
- Creating artwork/ flyers for OSA Unity events, using the OSA flyer approval guidelines.
- Familiarize yourself with the OSA flyer approval guidelines.
- Submit artwork to committee for approval prior to sending to OSA for approval.
a) In order to maintain one’s service position one must not miss two (2) consecutive OSA Unity meetings (or more than 25% of the meetings in one’s term) and must submit one’s written report regardless of attendance/absence
b) Attendance is defined as being physically present at the OSA Unity Committee business meeting with a written report ready to be given to the Unity Committee body
c) Either the Chair or Alternate Chair of Unity standing committee must be present at every OSA Unity Committee business meeting
d) Defaulting on attendance requirements will result in dismissal from one’s service position
Standing Committee Chair and Secretary
e) Should the Chair be unable to attend they must ensure the Alternate Chair will be present at the OSA Unity Committee meeting.
f) Should the Secretary be unable to attend they must ensure the alternate secretary will be present at the OSA Unity committee meeting, or arrange for a suitable replacement to keep a record of the OSA Unity Committee meeting minutes.