Web servant
1. Two years of continuous sobriety
2. One year of active service in C.A.
3. Two-year commitment
Description of duty
1. Web design skills made evident through a documented history of created websites, and an ability to demonstrate relevant and appropriate technical knowledge.
2. To be the primary person responsible for the design and maintenance of the CAOSA website.
3. To keep the website information current, to adjust the website as directed by the CAOSA, to track website activity and provide reports as requested by the CAOSA, and to be accountable to the CAOSA for all web activity.
4. To serve on and be advised by the CAOSA IT Committee, and provide monthly reports to be incorporated within the IT Committee’s monthly reports to the CAOSA.
5. With the exception of basic site maintenance, any proposed changes, design revisions, and/or additions to the CAOSA website will be reviewed and approved by the CAOSA IT Committee. Upon IT Committee approval, the Web Servant will obtain the approval of the entire CAOSA prior to posting any revisions or additions to the CAOSA website.
6. The webservant will collaborate with meeting services committee for meeting schedule and event updates, but not limited to.