Unity & Special Events Planning Committee Meeting
Unity is an important part of recovery and the unity committee needs 🫵 Come join us to see how Unity is at the core of all we do and help...
The Online Service Area (OSA) of Cocaine Anonymous – Serving C.A. Since September 16, 1999
Unity is an important part of recovery and the unity committee needs 🫵 Come join us to see how Unity is at the core of all we do and help...
Topic: Online Service Area Day: 1st Sunday of the month Time: 12:30pm eastern US / 5:30pm UK Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87216899644?pwd=S05oRDZjNXV1cVpEcU1JaktSa29GQT09 Meeting ID: 872 1689 9644 Passcode: OSA Find your local...
Topic: OSA IT Committee Meeting Time: Sunday Nov 10th, 2024 12:00 PM (Noon) Eastern Time (US and Canada) 5PM UK Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84671545313?pwd=aUJ2YmNHTmdlb0RtUURsaTVYY3Jvdz09 Meeting ID: 846 7154 5313 Passcode:...
Vicky Haines Real Deal: CA Meetings OSA 2 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Meeting Services Time: 2nd Monday of the Month 1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM...
Meeting ID 865 7287 2014 Passcode 121212
Unity is an important part of recovery and the unity committee needs 🫵 Come join us to see how Unity is at the core of all we do and help...
REGISTER HERE! Learning Objectives List 10 strategies for overcoming the fear of public speaking. List 5 ways to conduct yourself when speaking virtually or in-person. Identify 3 major benefits of speaking to a...
Meeting ID: 883 9452 3252 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88394523252
Meeting ID: 883 9452 3252 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88394523252